Tripp Families of North America


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John Tripp Historical Home

John Tripp House, (moved from 953 1/2 Manton Avenue, Manton), Manton, Providence County, RI

The John Tripp house is in the Library of Congress, Historic American Buildings Survey. The Library of Congress web page found at ( has links to three parts of the survey. 1) six photos, three are included with this post (see captions for more information), 2) 10 drawings of floor plans and studies that must have been done before moving the house to Newport, and 3) two links to a one page report and a supplemental card. Following are several direct quotes from the survey:
“The John Tripp House, (moved from 953 ½ Manton Avenue), Manton, Providence County, RI.”
“Significance: One of two surviving stone-enders in Newport, the John Tripp House dates to the eighteenth century and was moved from Providence in the 1960s and reconstructed on its present site. The beehive oven that projects from the exposed masonry end wall is unusual.”
“Date of Erection: 1720” Another place says 1725, so c. 1720.
“Materials of Construction: One- and one-half story gambrel roofed, frame structure with stone end chimney, having rare bee-hive oven showing on exterior chimney face. Has two room plans with corner fireplace in bedroom off the main fire-room.”
And from our family genealogy research, we know The John Tripp House is currently located at 88 Washington Street, Newport, RI. It may have originally been owned by Lott3 Tripp (John2, 1) who married Ann Manton and lived in Providence, RI. However Lott died 22 Sep 1720, so either the erection date was earlier or it belonged to one of his sons.

File namePicture1 (1).jpg
File Size146.85k
Dimensions750 x 563
Linked toJohn Tripp, The Founder

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