Tripp Families of North America

Adrian, Lenawee, Michigan



Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID   Tree 
1 Estes, Beatrice  2 Feb 1901I342229162982 Tripp Family Genealogical Website 
2 Estes, Hubert H  Jun 1899I342229162981 Tripp Family Genealogical Website 


Matches 1 to 16 of 16

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID   Tree 
1 BARTLETT, Donald Merlyn  14 January 1995I13835325665 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
2 BARTLETT, Harold Russell  29 Mar 1983I13832657214 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
3 COVELL, Leon Glenn  30 August 1974I13838728419 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
4 Estes, Beatrice  1 Aug 1987I342229162982 Tripp Family Genealogical Website 
5 Estes, Hubert H  29 Nov 1959I342229162981 Tripp Family Genealogical Website 
6 Hopper, Cora E  7 Feb 1936I342229261980 Tripp Family Genealogical Website 
7 POOLEY, Ina Mae  1 Jun 2011I13389831789 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
8 Remele, Clarice Marie  13 Oct 1993I342445171940 Tripp Family Genealogical Website 
9 REMMELE, Oraella M  20 Nov 1972I13278730735 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
10 REMMELLE, Clarice Marie  13 October 1993I13278904496 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
11 SCHADEWALD, Terry Allen  22 Jun 1966I360012121361 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
12 SPROW, Andrew E  29 April 2009I360016092032 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
13 SPROW, Donald J  12 November 2008I360016092024 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
14 SPROW, Joseph Noah  29 August 1976I360016091861 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
15 Tripp, Cyrus  27 Nov 1913I342268417296 Tripp Family Genealogical Website 
16 WALKER, Ethel Leah  13 Sep 1982I13832704170 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID   Tree 
1 Estes, Hubert H  1959I342229162981 Tripp Family Genealogical Website 


Matches 1 to 50 of 135

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Residence    Person ID   Tree 
1 ASH, Aziah  I13279016805 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
2 ASH, Eva V  1920I13278974224 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
3 ASH, Eva V  1930I13278974224 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
4 ASH, Freddie  1920I13278974215 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
5 ASH, Freddie  1930I13278974215 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
6 ASH, Merrill  1930I26045411482 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
7 ASH, Ruth E  1920I13278974218 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
8 ASH, Ruth E  1930I13278974218 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
9 ASH, Zora I  1920I13278974228 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
10 ASH, Zora I  1930I13278974228 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
11 BAILEY, Mina  1930I26045411481 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
12 BARTLETT, David Clarence  1910I360012009296 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
13 BARTLETT, David Clarence  1920I360012009296 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
14 BARTLETT, David Clarence  1930I360012009296 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
15 BARTLETT, David Clarence  1935I360012009296 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
16 BARTLETT, Donald Merlyn  I13835325665 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
17 BARTLETT, Donald Merlyn  1935I13835325665 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
18 BARTLETT, Harold Russell  I13832657214 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
19 BARTLETT, Harold Russell  1910I13832657214 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
20 BARTLETT, Harold Russell  1920I13832657214 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
21 BARTLETT, Harold Russell  1935I13832657214 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
22 BARTLETT, John Howard  1910I360012012507 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
23 BARTLETT, Shirley Arlene  I360016093313 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
24 BARTLETT, Shirley Arlene  1935I360016093313 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
25 BARTLETT, Vernice Mary  1910I13832657210 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
26 BARTLETT, Vernice Mary  1920I13832657210 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
27 Bowen, Alice Randall  1935I342234720305 Tripp Family Genealogical Website 
28 Bruckner, Helen M  1935I342332958627 Tripp Family Genealogical Website 
29 CHAPPIN, Rosa  1920I13270825751 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
30 CHAPPIN, Rosa  1930I13270825751 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
31 COVELL, Dorman R  1930I13838728422 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
32 COVELL, Dorman R  1935I13838728422 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
33 COVELL, Duane Richard  1930I13838728429 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
34 COVELL, Duane Richard  1935I13838728429 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
35 COVELL, Geraldine 'Gerry' Louise  1930I13835337772 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
36 COVELL, Geraldine 'Gerry' Louise  1935I13835337772 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
37 COVELL, James L  1935I13838733243 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
38 COVELL, Leon Glenn  I13838728419 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
39 COVELL, Leon Glenn  1930I13838728419 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
40 COVELL, Leon Glenn  1935I13838728419 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
41 DAVIS, Clara  1920I13279075185 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
42 DAVIS, Dorothy H  1920I13279065801 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
43 DAVIS, Dorothy H  1930I13279065801 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
44 DAVIS, Dorothy H  1935I13279065801 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
45 DAVIS, Ramas  1920I13279060846 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
46 DAVIS, Ramas  1930I13279060846 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
47 DAVIS, Ramas  1935I13279060846 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
48 DENISTON, Velma Oleta  1930I13838728420 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
49 DENISTON, Velma Oleta  1935I13838728420 Bob Tripp's Genealogy 
50 Dersham, Lillian Mary  1935I342376275954 Tripp Family Genealogical Website 

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Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Family    Marriage    Family ID   Tree 
1 SHATTUCK / LENARDSON  04 Feb 1857F5338 Bob Tripp's Genealogy