Tripp Families of North America

Child Tripp


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  • Name Child Tripp 
    Birth Illinois Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Person ID I342352957734  Tripp Family Genealogical Website | Joseph Tripp 2, Mary Tripp 2, Mayflower - Mary Brewster, Mayflower-William Brewster

    Father Laban Tripp,   b. 29 Dec 1828, Marlboro, Stark, Ohio, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 20 Aug 1877, Indiana, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 48 years) 
    Mother Emaline Catherine Brown,   b. 29 Dec 1828, Washington, Montgomery, Ohio, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 13 Jan 1907, Rago, Kingman, Kansas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 78 years) 
    Marriage 27 Feb 1851  Jennings County, Indiana, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
    Family ID F56188  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Sources 
    1. [S1264053475], Indiana, U.S., Marriage Index, 1800-1941, ( Operations Inc), Jennings County Indiana; Marriages 1837 - May 1866 Books 3 - 6, Part I Grooms Part II Brides Compiled by Ruth Slev; Book: 5; Page: 47.

    2. [S1264152965], Indiana, U.S., Select Marriages Index, 1748-1993, ( Operations, Inc.).

    3. [S1259786097], Indiana, U.S., Marriages, 1810-2001, ( Operations, Inc.).

    4. [S1251654208], Indiana, Marriages, 1810-2001, ( Operations, Inc.).

    5. [S1250897599], Obituary Index, 1800s-current, ( Operations Inc), The Leader Courier; Publication Date: 24 Jan 1907; Publication Place: Kingman, Kansas, USA; URL:,0.38166994,0.66060495,0.60269487&xid=3355.

    6. [S1250877247], Indiana, Select Marriages Index, 1748-1993, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2014;).
      Record for Laban Tripp