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!1) from p52 of son Ezekial Beebe notes, Ezekial states he lived at home, in Ludlow, with his father, "I left my father's house", which occurred "October before the Battle of Lexington", about 1775. Check it. Date of statement, 2 June 1820. 2)per Mysterious Beebe Families, by Hunt (1979), PLT ARCHIVES VOL 1.3, p 11, this Ezekial served in French and Indian War; found in History of New Milford, Conn. List of soldiers in Canaan, Conn, in 1758, which further mentions Beebes Samuel, John, and James. suffolk Co NY muster roll of 1758 shows Beebes Jabez, John, Ezekial and Samuel. Also there is Adah (Beebe) Segar 1958 Genealogy that more extensively treats Beebes of Rutland, Vt.