Tripp Families of North America

Welcome to the Tripp Family Genealogical Database! This database is dedicated to those who immigrated to North America from countries such as England, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Russia and others with the surname of Tripp or variations of such.
We are in the process of documenting and placing these individuals into Branches making it easier for those researching their Tripp ancestors, where they came from, and which branch they belong to. Several of the Branches are children of John "The Founder" Tripp who came in 1630 and his wife Mary Paine of Portsmouth, Rhode Island. Other Branches go back to the original person who immigrated, some provide a connection to the Mayflower Project and others go back to the earliest known person in that Branch. Search our databases of 164,151 Tripp family members and those in collateral families, belonging to a total of 59,797 families, abiding in 70,102 locations. There are 541,937 record citations from 4,547 sources along with 67,246 media items and 5,339 stories submitted by Tripp family members. For a simple search just enter a name in the box on the right and click Search. Due to the large size of the database, it may be more productive to click on the Advanced Search button and enter as many known variables as possible to find a specific individual. For example, there are nearly 600 John Tripp's in our files. After you find the person, you are looking for scroll down to find his or her Personal ID - look to the right of that number to see which Branches they are connected to. In 2019-20 we did a careful review, using direct evidence (original documents). We then transferred the data to a new Tripp Family Genealogical Master Database on where we can more easily clean up errors and add citations to ensure the data is evidence-based. The database and it’s supporting documentation continue to grow month after month. That project on Ancestry is our working document which you may access if you have an Ancestry membership - CLICK HERE The database on the website is updated monthly (last updated January 1, 2025) from the Tripp Family Genealogical Master Database Tree on to provide a free source to all researchers. NOTE:” Log-in” link is for administrators only. No registration or membership is required to search our databases. Contact Us