Herman Tripp’s Research

Herman Tripp collected Tripp Family information for over  40 years. His database contains over 55,000 Tripp names on the first nine generations of John and Mary (Paine) Tripp. Other pages provide information on other Tripp families.

Herman Tripp passed away in 2014
Thank you, Herman, for all your work over the years

Herman Tripp’s database is incorporated into the Tripp Family Genealogical Website’s master database. It builds on Herman’s 40 years of researching over 55,000 Tripp names in the database. The database contains additions and corrections to the original database and is updated as new research becomes available.  Click here to go to the  Tripp Family Genealogical Database.

Herman’s information on the Trippe surname.

Herman’s information on Nicholas Tripp who settled in North Carolina may or may not be a son, brother or relative of John and Mary (Paine) Tripp. Most Tripp’s in the southern part of the U.S. are descendants of Nicholas Tripp.

Last change: 23 Dec 2016

One thought on “Herman Tripp’s Research

  1. Herman Tripp had previous research on pig production, developing SPF stock that increased the hod population in the United States and areas in South America. It was extremely unfortunate that following pig-raising units changed processing waste to goons that made extreme odor for sections of rural areas, resulting in a negative result of a famous productive legacy!

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