This took place at Blessed Sacrament Church, Wittnesses - Florine and

Kenneth Domire.


The following article appeared in the 'Metamora Record': "LOCAL YOUNG MAN

WEDS TOLEDO GIRL -- John Tripp and Miss Mildred Coppus were married last

week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Tripp of Toledo, former residents of Amboy

township, announce the marriage of their son John, to Miss Mildred Coppus,

daughter of Mrs. E. K. Coppus of Toledo, on the eve of Thanksgiving Day. The

ceremony was performed by the Rev. Fr. Osterhage at the Blessed Sacrament

Church in Toledo. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Domire attended the bride and groom.

A dinner celebrating the occation was served on Thanksgiving Day in the home

of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Tripp to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. John

Tripp, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Tripp and family, Paul, Junior and Alice Tripp,

Mrs. E. K. Coppus, Elsie and Billy Coppus, Harry Tomb, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth

Domire and Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Minier and baby. Mr. Tripp is a graduate of

Metamora high school and for the past few months has been living on the

Norman Tripp farm, south of Metamora. Mrs. Tripp is a graduate of Scott high

school in Toledo. The young couple will continue to reside on the Tripp farm.

The Record joins with their other friends in wishing them much happiness."


The definition of charivari from the dictionary (had to look it up) is a

mock serenade, as to a newly married couple, performed with tin pans,

kettles, horns, etc. Origin unknown.